Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Interesting Happenings From San Francisco

Recently, my life has been a jumble of interesting revelations. Also, I've met cool new friends while ending a great friendship because of a very bad decision by him.

Photo's, music and some multimedia has been streaming out my body at a frantic pace. Creating art and self expression continues everyday in some form or another. It's as important to me as breathing air and being alive. It needs to be the focal point of all my future careers and business. My optimism recently has also grown about a possible major and maybe I can finally decide what to persue. Then I can decide on a school and a course of action towards starting class there.

The political realm continues to intensely engage, infuriate and provoke me. Because of my sexual orientation I've no choice but to make myself an example of what a healthy and mostly happy gay man looks like. There are times that I truly feel under attack by religious zealots, homophobia and people who wish to deny my community the same basic rights as other Americans. Most people can't understand what it feels like to be so different and denied.

And are there any gay couples out there who are monogamous? Long term, mature & healthy relationships seems to be missing in our community. Or maybe they never existed. Personally, I'd love to have a traditional one but by no means do I expect it. No one seems sincerely interested and at times this really disheartens me. But keeping the faith in true love continues and will forever be something I know can happen.

This afternoon the Olympic Torch was run through the streets of my City and I barely missed the runners as it ran down Van Ness. It was time for Musics afternoon jaunt and we walked down that street for a few blocks before making a new heading.
I wish it had passed me!! What a photo that would have been!!!

Over all the interesting happenings in San Francisco have been good ones for me. Some have been not so good but that is life.

I remain strong/happy/focused and wish only for the health/best for everyone.

Preparation for lifes big changes must contine. And learning, growing, evoling, creating while loving all of life remain my constant theme.

Nothing ever stays the same and nor shall I.