Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A few Thoughts

Today would have been my Grandmothers 81st birthday if she were still alive. I miss my Gram so much and think of her everyday. I hope she's proud of me and that she is sending me her blessings from the Great- Unknown- Beyond!! The advice and guidance she gave me as a child is still being used by me today as an adult! From the simplest ideas like making ones bed before leaving the house to always being honest and speaking my mind. Even when it pains me to do so..

I miss you Rosalie Tomasco Loftus and I wish you were here today to see the man I've become! I'm hoping to be better still and that I'll continue to learn and grow while utilizing the lessons and love you gave to me!!!

Today is day two of the drug trial at St.Luke's. I think I'll be spending three hours this afternoon talking about God knows what.

Right now I'm listening to music (music therapy y'all) and in a few moments I'll take a gander around my building to see if there are any other chores that needs attending before I make lunch then head out towards the Mission for my appointment.

There is so much more I could write about..But for now I'll close this post with ...