Sunday, August 26, 2007

Chill Sunday

This A.M. apartment one zero four is full humans and the sound of snoring.

Deb is the only woman visiting from Fort Bliss but she snores louder than most men. I swear, she's going to rip the curtains off my wall.

Today she heads back to home-base w/ Mike and Aaron and I will have my spot to ourselves for the first time in days. I don't know how we will adjust!;-p

Yesterday and last night were beautiful if not a bit chilly. With seventeen micro-climate's Fog City is always an interesting place, weather wise.

Speaking of chill..

I expect today to be a Chill Sunday. We've all been running around, sight seeing, MOMA hopping, catching baseball games, shopping, eating, dancing and partying like rock stars so some rest is in order!

Today is day four w/o her. Glad to be free of the evil bitch.

T.V time!! Later Yall!!