Friday, April 24, 2009

I Hate You Geoffrey L. Newman.

I just cant seem to motivate these days.

Maybe I'm depressed. Wouldn't that be a surprise. I mean my life is peachy. I married a alleged drug (ghb) dealing, crazy, asshole. Yea. I feel great!! Thanks Geoffrey Newman. His house was raided by the police almost two weeks ago. I wish I could have been there to laugh at him and point while he was dragged out in handcuffs. I'm no rat but I wish I'd known how deep his little lies went. I would have loved to help put his ass in jail.

When we were going through some of our worst arguing he yelled at me," I'm gonna make you hate me!!"

Well, here it is. I hate you Geoffrey L. Newman and from the deep reaches of my soul I curse you. May all the evil you've done me come and visit you in someway.

Hopefully now maybe I can move past all this shit in my life.

Time ticks away and everyday that doesn't get used fully is lost opportunities and missed chances to improve my lot.

Only I can do it. Because god knows I cant rely on Evil and Cursed Geoffrey for anything but empty promises.