Sunday, March 29, 2009

How I'm Starting Over

The past months have been an interestingly sad and rough time for my marriage. So many things have gone quickly awry that even knowing where to start in this tale seems impossible.

Despite taking vows and committing myself to a life long relationship today finds me separated, considering a divorce and staying in the Bay View District at friends place.

It's easy to accept that we both are to be held responsable for how we treated and dealt with problems. It seems like everything was an argument and those led to screaming match's and on a couple of sad occasions, kicking and hitting.

Most of my belongings are still at Geoffreys but I was however able to rescue my dog this past week. We gotta love small victories!!

It was a hard seven days with out her and it's very mean that she was purposly kept from me. But I have her now and we both will adjust.

This next week I'll start the painful process of seeing lawyers and applying for GA(general assitance) while looking for a job. I've also a doctors appointment and other social/personal/professional commitment this coming week. There is lots to do and hopefully I'll keep me busy starting life getting better is only going to happen if I make it so.