Friday, February 8, 2008

Status Report.

It's been a while since I updated any personal info on my blog so today seems as good as any to do such that!

Currently, I'm sitting here half dressed getting ready to eat my DiGorno personal perppronni pizza. Just took a first bite and ouch it's still not ready to eat! Too hot!!

My apartment is dark because my curtins are drawn closed. I've been smoking pot and listening to the track I just completed this morning. It's hot as well.

Glad to hear on the news Mitt has dropped out of the presitdental race. One Republican down. Two more Republicans to go!

I've been working out (lifting weights/bike riding/basketball) hard as of late. I've been peparing for the Life Cycle here in California this June. I'm excited as heck and proud I'll being doing this ride. It's for a great cause and I hope to raise a ton of money. Don't be surprised if you recive an email from me really soon asking for your help!

I really want a puppy! Someone bring me a puppy!! A cute one. Boy or girl. Smart. No older than 6 months. A sheep dog of sorts! Please! Please! Please!

My photgraphs have been fun of late. Trust me, the best ones are still hidden!!

Yesterday I recived a card from Sargent Aaron over in Iraq. Thanks to him for that!!! I miss you baby and cant wait to have you home and back in USA!!

Today is Friday and I've not left my apartment yet. Soon, I'll have to run around my building and earn my keep.

After that I must tackle my kitchen because it's a freak'n mess in there.

Tonight: The gym and a long leg, arm, shoulder and ab workout. Dinner,TV and sleep. Feeling good today. Loving San Francisco and all is well from Apt 104. .

That sums up my status report.

Wishing Peace to Eveyone!!

Damon signing off.