Friday, January 4, 2008

Obama 2008

Last night Barack Obama won the Iowa Caucus by almost nine percent. Sounding a resounding note of change through politics in America.

He also did a few other things last night when thanking Iowans for voting him.

During his speech he touched on many possible changes during his administration. The one that stuck out to me was when he said he would "bring our troops home".

Recently, I personally have been waiting to hear those words come out a candidates mouth before FULLY committing my vote, time and effort to they're causes!

That changes today as I throw my non-considerable political weight behind Senator Obama. To listen to this man is to believe that positive change can happen in America. His words and vision seeks to overturn the damage done by this last President, our Countries wars and big business.

And with Oprah backing Barack how can he fail?

With ten months to go until the polls open I've already cast my vote!!!

For me it's Barack Obama in 2008!!!!!!!!