Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Price of Friendship

I have noticed that a many of my fellow gay men here in Fog City don't understand or appricate the value of friendship or the close bonds of community.

From negative behaviours like stealing, lying, racism, drug use and selfish/immature outburst to down right harmful acts; Gay Men here and around the world don't know how to treat one another!

Some of the Hookup sites we all use are rife with the most dishonest, scary, harmful people you will ever come across.

Many of these guys look normal but they are most assuredly not. Many are homeless and float from place to place. From one bag of Tina to the next. Then take they're unhappiness out on you by stealing from your home, being dramatic and or disruptive.

I thought I was dealing with grown Men but many times it's child like behaviour that wins the day.

Maybe it's our society at whole that needs to change.. BUT OUR COMMUNITY IS NO LESS AFFLICTED by most of the negative traits our heterosexual counterparts portray.

We need to grow up guys and start acting like adults. Leave the childish life behind and get on your own two feet.

Instead of stealing and taking stuff that isn't yours!