Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

This last year has sped by so fast. And here we are at another Christmas Eve.

Today I'm feeling depressed, unmotivated and sad. I know there are people who are concerned and who love me out there but during holidays it's easy to slip into these type of feelings.

It doesn't help that two of the three people I thought I was dating have basically told me that we were in fact not dating. Anders said i was moving to fast (when in all honesty I know I wasn't) and Todd told me two days ago all he wanted from me was sex. And if someone asked me where things stood with Keith stood, I wouldn't be able to because I don't know.

This Christmas I am still single but I won't be alone during this holiday. My plans will take over to the East Bay and I'll be spending it at another friend named Keith.

Tonight, I'll be having dinner with my boss and he always cooks up an amazing meal!

I'm trying to brighten up my own mood by staying busy and surrounding myself with friends and people who care for me.

Ultimately, isn't that what the holidays are about?